18.06.2022 ČKRR Clubshow
Judge Males & Minibaby: Snezka Kuralt (SLO)
Judge Females: Sandra Piscedda (IT)
We had again a wonderful day at the Clubshow! Thanks a lot to everybody involved!
Veteran Class: Zurimahali Fiona – Excellent 2
Open Class: Ekhaya Aisha Kavango River – very good – once again presented by Florian L. Schellhorn who seems to have a lot of fun in the ring with her!
Intermediate Class: Buffeljagsrivier Fatou Henry- very good
again we heard that he needs a bit more time to develop
And as we where already on our way we also took your youngster for her first show, she was constantly wagging her tail and had a lot of fun and I am proud how well she behaved:
Mini Baby: Zaituni Lakota Löwenschwanz – very promising
Thanks to the Judges for the nice reports we received for all of the dogs and the extremly nice and sweet judging of the small ones!